RECIPES > Appetizers > Hickory Balsamic Glazed Steak Bites

Hickory Balsamic Glazed Steak Bites

• 2 (3/4 inch thick) boneless ribeye or skirt steak
• 1 teaspoon Sutter Buttes Arbequina EVOO
• Sutter Buttes Everyday Seasoned Sea Salt
• Fresh ground pepper for seasoning

Balsamic Glaze
• 4 Tbsp Sutter Buttes Hickory Smoked Balsamic Vinegar
• 2 Tbsp brown sugar

Sprinkle steaks with Everyday Seasoned Sea Salt and fresh cracked pepper. Pour EVOO into the bottom of a heavy, medium sized skillet.

Heat skillet over medium-high heat. Add steaks and cooked to desired doneness, about 4 minutes each side.

Using tongs, transfer steaks to plate; tent with foil to keep warm. Cut steaks into bite size pieces.

Add vinegar and brown sugar to the skillet. Cook until brown sugar melts, stirring continuously until the balsamic is reduced to a glaze. Spoon glaze over the steak bites and serve.


Arek KazmierczakHickory Balsamic Glazed Steak Bites